Another Successful $4$ Release!
Originally posted in NSW DPI’s NEWSCAST – an information bulletin for recreational fishers
The Sofala Branch of the Central Acclimatisation Society has released more than 12,000 Golden Perch as part of DPI’s highly popular Dollar for Dollar Native Fish Stocking Program.
The fish produced by Uarah Fisheries were recently released into the Turon River by Sofala CAS volunteers. This Turon stocking is only one of a number of Dollar for Dollar native fish stockings that have taken place across the State this season.
The Dollar for Dollar Native Fish Stocking Program was introduced in 1998 by NSW DPI to benefit anglers. Under the program, community groups apply to the NSW Recreational Fishing Trust (funded by the recreational fishing licence) for matching funds to purchase native fish from licensed commercial hatcheries for stocking rivers and dams in the Murray Darling system and east of the great divide.
For more information about the Dollar for Dollar Native Fish Stocking Program, including how you can get involved, please visit