Visit from Aquaculture Delegation from Henan Province China

Aquaculture scientists from Henan Academy

The delegation of 16-person comprises a mix of aquaculture scientists from the Henan Academy of Fishery Science and the College of Fisheries at Henan Normal University, and technicians and managers responsible for fish and water resources at the country level.

They come to learn about Murray Cod aquaculture in a 21-day training program. The aim of the study tour is to gain some understanding on methods for breeding fingerling and growing out adult fish for breeding and food production; and on challenges associated with cod management – water, nutrition, diseases etc.

As the world’s first modern Murray Cod farm and large-scale native fish hatchery, Uarah Fisheries has so much to offer to the delegation. Our Managing Director, Dr John Yu, gave the delegation a detailed presentation of our 40-year history, and our best practices of Murray Cod aquaculture. The delegation also has a taste of the best Murray Cod produced in Australia. The delegation was very happy with the visit, and further discussion of co-operation is underway.

This delegation is just one example of how much interest has been generated in China about Murray Cod aquaculture. Through our subsidiary company in China, we hope to introduce this Australian iconic fish to many more Chinese farmers.


The importance of careful breeding


Our Managing Director, Dr. John Yu